Vision and Objectives


“In 2036, Great Waldingfield parish including Upsher Green has continued to thrive as a rural based community focused around the village green of Great Waldingfield. Whilst growth has enabled it to prosper, this has not been at the expense of our rural village maintaining and enhancing our existing farming heritage, hedgerows and conservation areas which are so important to its residents, along with easy access into the surrounding countryside. The village remains a distinct place, physically separate from the growth at Chilton Woods and Sudbury, still able to celebrate its rich heritage which has been preserved as a core part of a growing community. The parish of Great Waldingfield continues to be an attractive and desirable place to live.

Great Waldingfield has seen new housing developments around the edge of the village. These have been well planned, with appropriate location to retain the village personality. In particular, the new sustainable housing has been designed to be in keeping with their rural setting, giving a feeling of space with a range of different styles avoiding the feel that this is ‘just another estate’. These developments have also provided a mix of housing, with a greater number of new sustainable properties meeting the needs of the ageing population in terms of their size and layout with some supported housing development both private and local authority.

Economic – Equally, the needs of the growing number of home workers in the digital economy have been recognised, the need to regenerate the village with both local and new residents has been considered to attract younger families and provide single occupancy dwellings. New houses are also practical, providing usable off-street parking and well-designed space for wheelie bins, composting, water butts and sustainable energy solutions. These new developments also have community growing spaces which provide an opportunity for people to grow and share produce for their needs. This is part of Great Waldingfield’s drive to be more energy resilient.

New employment space on the Airfield site has consolidated the business base in Great Waldingfield and provided new services for the community including social and cultural hubs. Development has not only been about new housing.

Social – Great Waldingfield’s evolution has been well connected to the key services in the village which have thrived as a result. The development of further good walking routes along with actions to make the roads safer for cyclists have resulted in more people leaving their cars at home when they use the facilities in the village, we have also worked with the local tourist board encouraging the use of existing cycle routes eg. the South “Suffolk cycle route A“ to encourage tourism and promote healthy living.

The needs of young and old alike in a rural community have been recognised through an improved provision of the community bus service, paid for by financial contributions from development and improved public services to Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Colchester. Young people now access employment, social and education opportunities, whilst older people have improved access to vital health services in these areas. Younger people in particular no longer feel they have to leave Great Waldingfield in order to get on in life.

Development has provided a new open space within the village and this has also enabled Great Waldingfield Primary School to have a new playing field which has helped it to support the growing number of young children living in the parish. Along with this, a multi-purpose community hub has been developed in the heart of the village which provides for youth activities and a new sports facility with changing rooms and a coffee bar. On weekdays, the bar is used as a coffee shop which provides a meeting place for people to come and chat.

Environmental – Great Waldingfield has recognised and embraced the importance of minimising its energy use and becoming more self-sufficient. All new development, including the new community facilities, get their energy from renewable energy sources, be this solar, ground source heat pumps or wind. Great Waldingfield is a net exporter of energy and this is one of the many reasons why its residents and businesses are proud of the way it has recognised and embraced change.”


1. Ensure Great Waldingfield village remains a distinct place in a rural setting, physically separate from Chilton and Sudbury.

2. Ensure a mix of new housing is provided that not only meets wider needs but also the needs of the existing community, particularly smaller housing suitable for older people and housing which provides space for both home and local workers.

3. Ensure new housing is designed well and laid out in a way that is in keeping with Great Waldingfield’s rural setting, whilst meeting practical everyday needs in terms of sewerage, refuse storage and off-street parking.

4. Ensure development retains and enhances the rich heritage, bio-diversity and environmental assets of Great Waldingfield.

5. Ensure development is well connected to the services in the village, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists.

6. Encourage the provision of improved road safety and community transport services.

7. Provide new community space and facilities to meet the needs of the growing population.

8. Provide for the needs of modern business and working practices.

9. Ensure that development maximises its energy efficiency and the potential for Great Waldingfield to become more energy resilient and self-sufficient.