Policies and Procedures
The Policies and Procedures that have been adopted by Great Waldingfield Parish Council are available below for your review:-
- Asset Register
- Asset Register and disposal policy
- Bullying and Harassment Statement Poster
- Complaints Policy
- Grants and Donations Policy
- Financial Regulations
- Freedom of Information Policy and Procedure
- GDPR letter Contractors
- Health and Safety Policy
- HR and Complaints Committee Terms of Reference
- Local Government Association Model Councillor Code of Conduct
- Media Policy 2023
- Planning-procedure
- Planning-Working-Group-Terms-of-Reference
- Privacy-Notice
- *Publication Scheme & Schedule
- Risk Management Strategy
- Safeguarding Policy 2023
- Standing 0rders (we are aware of the paragraph numbering issues and will correct them and publish soonest)
- GWPC SAR policy. v1.1
- Vexatious Complaints Policy
- Village Noticeboard Policy. Notice must be from a GW parishioner. The event must take place in GW. The event must have a deadline.**
- * The current Publication Scheme and Schedule has out-of-date information contained within it. It will be updated as soon as possible.
- ** The Village Noticeboard Policy is likely to be inserted into the Publication Scheme and Schedule or Media Policy later.