We are delighted that our Neighbourhood Plan has now come back from the external examiner and, after some minor modifications, can go forward to referendum.
There are still a few more stages to go through: Babergh need to consider the report, issue a decision notice and then our consultant will make the necessary modifications.
When this final version of the Plan has been checked once more by Babergh, we will be able to hold the referendum. This takes the same format as the normal local elections and is held in the Village Hall. Everyone eligible will receive a Polling Card, postal votes are possible and voter ID will be required.
It is likely that the referendum will be at the end of October/beginning of November so the end is really in sight!
The referendum asks a question requiring a simple yes or no:
Do you want Babergh District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Great Waldingfield to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Plan Area?
We need over 50% yes for the Plan to be adopted.
Digital and hard copies of the Plan will be available before the referendum.