Neighbourhood Plan

The Steering Group has received the very first draft of the Plan.

We have had a meeting with our consultant to go over our responses to the first draft of the Plan after each member of the team had analysed their section of the text.  We discussed the changes necessary due to the latest information from the emerging Joint Local Plan Hearing Sessions as well as a number of issues regarding the layout and the supporting text.

We have asked for the survey results to come first in each section as we feel it is important to emphasise the fact that our Neighbourhood Plan is firmly based on village consultation. For the same reason we will be writing a comprehensive section on the community engagement that has taken place which is not there currently. 

Overall we were pleased with the content and layout so far and, going forward, want to make sure that the addition of diagrams and photos will make it more accessible for residents. We will also look at writing a foreword to explain the process in plain English rather than planning speak!

We now have to put in our grant application for the next stages of the work while continuing to assess the written Plan as it moves forward. 

The team would also like to thank the Parish Council for including a budget for the Neighbourhood Plan within their own budget for the next year.