Tree Warden

The Tree Warden Scheme was set up by the national charity the Tree Council in 1990. I am the volunteer tree warden for our parish of Great Waldingfield and part of the Suffolk network. My role is to plant, protect and promote local trees, including hedges.

In the autumn we enjoy the colours and fruits that trees bring us. Fruits and nuts that we do not eat are usually enjoyed by birds or small mammals. When the deep winter comes, we may enjoy the spectacle of trees draped in hoar frost or snow. They give some shelter against the biting winds and the branches may frame the view of the moon on a clear night. In spring we see the new green shoots and the May blossom and in summer we can find shade from the hot sun under their canopy.

I have had training but I am not a qualified tree surgeon. I have planted many new trees in the
village over the last 25 years, and not all of them in the community woodland. I have easy access to common native trees that could be planted in suitable sites – with the landowner’s consent – if anyone has any suggestions. Feel free to contact me for advice.

David Taylor 01787 373541

Tree terms explained:

Tree Protection Orders (TPOs). Some trees are protected by the local council if they are particularly important for landscape or historical reasons. These trees must not be cut down or have tree surgery without planning permission. One example is the holly tree on the corner of Chapel Close.

Veteran Trees. These are usually several hundred years old and show features of being very old. They are important for wildlife as they usually have cavities for nesting birds and deadwood for beetles which are often rare species. Around here, most veteran trees will be oaks and are more likely to be found in hedgerows than in a wood.

Native Tree Species are those that occur naturally in Britain without having been introduced by humans. They colonised Britain gradually from continental Europe after the last ice age until the melting ice caused sea level rises and the North Sea separated us about 6500BC. Native species tend to support the most wildlife and to be suited to our current climate. Examples are oak, ash, hazel. Other trees have been introduced to Britain for various reasons such as walnut for food, sycamore for visual appeal and larch for timber. Yet other trees have been produced by cross breeding and selection.

Hedges are lines of small trees that are cut to shape. Hawthorn is common in farm hedges and gives a lovely crop of red berries. Be a good neighbour and trim your hedge so as not to encroach on the pavement or next door’s garden.