Parish Council

What was discussed at the April Meeting

As the trees spring into leaf and the flowers burst into bloom, we feel that some things are moving  ahead for us too. By the May Parish Council meeting we will have been in position for one year  and will have had the chance to look back at what we have (and have not achieved!) over that time during the Annual Parish Meeting at the end of April.

These were the main matters discussed at the March Parish Council meeting:

No Through Road Notice for Heathway 

 Sometimes the replies we get back from outside bodies make very little sense. Our attention was drawn to the fact that the No Through Road sign at the end of Heathway needed replacing. However, it turns out that this is no longer considered a No Through Road as it leads into Coronation Rise and Heath Estate. The fact that you can’t get through any of these roads and out the other side doesn’t seem to matter at all. Babergh do admit that this is an anomaly. I would say!

Parking around the Shop

We have received a report from the Chief Planning Officer regarding the way the planning application was dealt with and it was no surprise to read that he considers it was given ‘ due consideration’. We have also heard from Highways who recognise that there were mistakes made, but mainly on behalf of the planning officer. We will continue to pursue this with both Councils.

We regularly hear stories of really dangerous parking by people visiting the Takeaway. Vehicles are being abandoned on junctions, grass verges, pavements while customers run across the road to the Takeaway. The advice from our Suffolk County Councillor is to take photos of these vehicles, including the registration and send them into the police as the only ones who can take action over this. We feel that the best course of action now is to raise awareness of the dangers of this area to the police as regularly as possible so they will be forced to at least come and monitor it. 

We are asking all residents to report any examples with photos to the police  (google Suffolk police illegal parking to find the reporting tool) whenever they see dangerous parking. 

Term time Parking for Pre-School on the Playing Field

We are back again waiting to hear if we need planning permission for this. 

Parking on the green at the junction of Bantocks and Valley Road 

We have sent out a letter to everyone who might be parking at the end of this road or on the grassy area in the hope that the dangers here will be avoided.

Clothing Bank at the Bowls Club

This has now all been agreed and we will let you know once it is up and available for use. 

State of the road near the Bowls Club

The potholes on this road will hopefully be filled in by the time you read this. We are very impressed with the speed with which this has been dealt with by SCC.  And we don’t often say that!

Transfer of ownership of Green Acre

Again, my hope is that, by the time you read this we will have ownership of Green Acre for the princely sum of £1. As I’m writing this (April 10th) we have been given a completion date of April 30th so we’ll wait and see.

New and Replacement Playground Equipment

Another example of springing into action!  We accepted the quote from a company for the replacement kickball goal and the new basketball hoop at the April meeting. I can make no promises at this stage as to whether they will be up ready for the Summer, but I have my fingers crossed.

Playing Field and Pavilion

The solicitor feels that we have enough evidence to prove that we have used and paid for the maintenance of the pavilion and playing field over many years. As a first step we have asked him to communicate this to Suffolk County Council (and the school) in the hope that they will be willing to honour the wishes and intentions of Mr Oliver in 1969 for a playing field shared between the village and the school. 

Folly Road Hedges

We will be sending out a letter to the owner of the house near the end of Folly Road because their hedge is overgrowing the path and people especially those with buggies or on mobility scooters are having to walk in the road near to the junction.


A sewage leak on the field at the end of Lynns Hall Close was reported to us and we reported it onto Anglian Water who were very quick to respond and repair the crack in the sewage pipe.

We are also hoping to hold a ‘Ditch Day’ later in the year to assess all our ditches especially those that have caused flooding issues over the last winter. We will then contact the relevant owners to encourage them to clear them before the bad weather comes.

Meet and Greet including the Annual Parish Meeting

I hope that this will have taken place successfully on Saturday April 27th between 3 and 7. The reports from this meeting will be included on the village website under ‘Latest News’ as soon as possible after this date.

Reporting issues in the Village

If you come across a problem in the village, please do email in to our Clerk (see below) rather than posting on Social Media and be aware that there are many things that are not in our power to solve. We will try to signpost to the appropriate bodies where we can. 

If you have anything you wish the Council to consider at the next meeting (Monday 13th May), please email Mark Freeman on or phone on 07922 336386. Or come to chat to members of the Parish Council at the Community Larder on Fridays at the Village Hall.

Many thanks,                                                       Clare Kiely,  Chair of the Parish Council