Working Party. Saturday February 22nd. Meet 9.30am by the benches along the main track. Come dressed for the weather and bring a drink for our 11am refreshment break.
This session will be tree and hedge work, mostly coppicing. Please bring work gloves. We can supply the tools needed on the day although some volunteers bring their own.
Update. The last weekend of January was eventful with the Branchlines AGM and then a hedge laying course. It was also the RSPB big garden birdwatch – someone will have done this at the wood too. Coppicing of hazel has started again; different areas are cut on rotation to maintain a variety of height and to produce stakes for other tasks
There is due to be a second hedge laying course on Sunday February 15th. These courses are led by professional tutor, Alison Marchant. They are sponsored by the Tree Council, which supports the tree warden network. The middle section of the ‘top’ hedge between the old and new meadows will like be coppiced as it is too young for laying yet.
The safety rails at the bottom of the steps on to the road have been replaced and the boggy area of path resurfaced. We are still working on new signage. Another project under discussion is a chalk bank where butterflies and other minibeasts can soak up the sun. This could also be habitat for specialised plants.
David Taylor
Working Party. Saturday February 15th. Meet 9.30am at the churchyard. Two recent working parties were postponed due to the weather, so I am hoping for a good turnout this time to catch up with jobs. Please bring work gloves and a drink for 11am refreshment break. It is likely to be mainly tree, hedge and path work.
Don’t miss the snowdrop display. See separate notice for the annual snowdrop open day.
David Taylor