ChurchCommunity Groups

March & Holy Week Church Services


Date Location Time Service
March 3rd Acton 9.30 BCP Holy Communion
  Great Waldingfield 09.45 Early Birds (please book with Rev. Faith)
  Great Waldingfield 11.00 Family Service, Baptism & a Celebration of Mothers Breakfast
March 10th Great Waldingfield 9.30 Holy Communion
  Acton 11.00 Mothering Sunday Morning Worship
March 17th Acton 9.30 Holy Communion
  Great Waldingfield 11.00 Morning Worship
March 24th Great Waldingfield 10.30 Holy Communion / Palm Sunday
March 31st Acton 10.30 Easter Sunday Holy Communion
April 7th Acton 9.30 BCP Communion
  Great Waldingfield 11.00 Family Service
Date Location Time Service
March 25th Acton 7.00pm Compline
March 26th Acton 7.00pm Compline
March 27th Acton 7.00pm Compline
March 28th Great Waldingfield 7.00pm Meal & Communion at the Village Hall (see below *)
March 29th Great Waldingfield 9.30-12.00 Easter Workshops for children in church
  Acton 2.00pm Last hour at the cross reflection
Compline being held in Acton Mon-Wed evening is a short service of night prayer accompanied by a Reflection on the last week of Jesus’ life.
* The meal on the 28th will be a hot meal and communion together reflecting on the final meal Jesus had with his disciples.
All are welcome at these services – no need to book (except Early Birds)


Help and Support If you, or people you know, are in difficulties because of the current situation, please email or telephone one of us, and we will do what we can to help or try to find someone who is able to do so.


Rector: Reverend Faith Marsden

Telephone: 01787 312002
