BranchlinesCommunity Groups

Branchlines September Updates

The idea is to enjoy each other’s company as we explore footpaths in the local countryside. It’s good for mind and body. We see interesting wildlife, historic buildings and lovely views.
Last month, a few of us walked a circuit to Edwardstone church and back. The church has a lovely parkland setting and was open.
September Walk. Saturday 14th September. Meet 2pm at the village post office. 
Three Churches Walk. In keeping with the national sponsored ‘ride and stride’, the route will take us to Acton, Little Waldingfield and Great Waldingfield churches, where there will probably be refreshments on offer.
It would be useful for me to know if you plan to come.


Our churchyard is well used by walkers and by visitors to the graves of loved ones. The maintenance is all done by volunteers.
We hold working parties once a month, usually the second Saturday morning of the month. I’ve not had many helpers recently and there is plenty to be done, so could you join us? No special skills needed, but bring gardening type gloves.
Working Party. Saturday 14th September. Meet 9.30am at the churchyard.
This coincides with the sponsored cycle ride/walk, so the church will be open and visitors passing through.
I expect us to be finishing off after the autumn grass cut. Maybe some raking, hedge trimming, bonfire.
HAY DAY. Every year in late summer, we cut the long grass in the meadow areas with a motor scythe. We leave it to dry for a few days, during which time the ripe grass and flower seeds fall to the ground ready to germinate. On Hay Day, we ask for extra volunteers to help rake up the hay and move it off the meadow. This improves the variety of flowers and discourages the coarser plants like nettle. We have been combining the hay cutting in the meadow areas of the wood and the churchyard.
We moved Hay Day forward to Saturday AUGUST 31st. Please join us if you can at 10am in the meadow behind the churchyard. Refreshments will be available around 11am in the church. We are hoping the vintage tractor will be there again.
Working Party. Saturday 28th September. 
There may be more hay raking if not all was done in August. Church Meadow hedge will need another trim to maintain distant views.
Alternatively, depending on weather, we may be in the ponds clearing excess vegetation.
Other News. A new bench is now installed at the corner of the original meadow. The hand rail by the steps has needed repairs.
The Big Butterfly Count last month yielded lower numbers than last year but this was not a localised finding. Good numbers of dragonflies were again at the main pond. The smaller ponds dried out as they often do in high summer.
David L Taylor