Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting Monday Jan 10th


  Parish Council Meeting on Monday 10th January 2022

 at 7.30pm at Great Waldingfield Village Hall




  1. Welcome and Apologies for AbsenceTo receive and agree.
  2. Declarations of Interests and DispensationsTo receive any declarations of interest here and at any point during the Meeting and Dispensations (in advance of the Meeting).
  3. Minutes of the last full Parish Council Meeting held on the 13th December 2021To receive, consider and approve the Meeting Minutes. (Minutes attached and on website).
  4. Update/Matters Arising from Previous Minutes held on the 13th December 2021To receive and note any updates.
  5. Public Forum– To facilitate members of the public / press to address the Council to a maximum of 3 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes for the session
  6. County and District Councillors ReportsTo receive and note reports and to clarify any points from the said reports. (Up to a maximum of 3 minutes per report/County/District Councillor).
  7. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Scheme in Village – To receive or agree any updates in partnership with Suffolk County Council Highways to assist with speeding.
  8. Routine Correspondence CirculatedTo consider and agree any actions raised. (Councillors please advise the Clerk prior to the Meeting for any matters you wish to raise).
  9. Councillors External Meetings/Sessions/Attendance – To receive updates and agree any matters.
  10. Planning and Development in Great Waldingfield (Details attached and on website).

To consider and make observations to the LPA (Local Planning Authority) on proposals received in the Parish Council’s consultee role. (Please view plans online in advance of the Meeting).

  1. Planning Applications Received:
  • DC/21/06200 – School Farm, School Farm Lane – Change of Use of agricultural building to Class E (Light Industrial) /B8 (Storage) and associated works.
    1. Planning Applications Received after the Agenda – To receive and consider.
    2. Planning Decisions Received from the LPA
  • DC/21/05951 – Manorroy, Upsher Green – Construction of dormer window and insertion of roof lights in conjunction with loft conversion – To note that the LPA has approved this application.
    1. Planning Appeals Received – None at time of agenda issues.
    2. Chilton Woods Development (cross-boundary) – (Maiden Fields) – To receive an update from Councillor Rushton following the latest Chilton Woods working group Meeting.
  1. Financial Matters
  2. Schedule of Accounts for Payment – To receive, consider and agree payments since the last Meeting. (To follow).
  3. Bank Reconciliation – 31 December 2021 -To receive, consider and agree. (To follow).
  4. 3rd Quarter Finance Report – 1st October 2021 – 31st December 2021 – To receive, consider and agree. (To follow).
  5. Dog Bins – Including Bantocks Road – To consider further.
  6. Urgent Finance Matters – To consider and agree any urgent finance matter after the agenda has been sent.
  7. Playing Field, Ten Trees Road /Other Parish Council Assets – To receive, consider and agree:
    1. Playing Fields Play Equipment – Monthly Report – To receive a report from Councillor Berry regarding the risk assessment following visual and written checks and consider and agree any matters.
    2. Queens Diamond Jubilee Garden (QDJ) – To consider and agree any matters.
  8. Community Warden SchemeTo receive an update and agree any matters.
  9. Neighbourhood Plan Steering CommitteeTo receive an update and agree any matters including agreeing any expenditure.
  10. CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) Working Party – To agree Councillor representatives for a new Working Group. (Suggest at least three Councillors).
  11. Parish Council Events Working Group Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations 2022 – To consider further.
  12. Local Council Awards Applications (Foundation, Gold and Quality Gold) – To adopt the following:
  • Risk Management Strategy – (Attached and on website).
  • Complaints Procedure – updated – (Attached and on website).
  1. Parish Council Meetings–
    1. Next Meeting – Monday 14th February 2022 at 7.30pm at Great Waldingfield Village Hall.
    2. Schedule of Meetings 2022 – To agree change to December 2022 Meeting date and Annual Parishioners March Meeting date.. (Attached).
  2. Resolution to Exclude the Public and the PressThe Public Bodies S.1 (2) (Admission to Meetings Act 1960) and the Local Government Act 1972 ss 100 and 102 (amended 2014). The Council is asked to consider and agree to exclude the Public since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentiality.
  3. Minutes of the Confidential Parish Council Meeting held on the 13th December 2021The Council is asked to receive, consider and approve the Meeting Minutes. (Minutes attached – Councillors only).
  4. Update/Matters Arising from Confidential Minutes held on the 13th December 2021The Council is asked to receive and note any updates.
  5. Parish Council Assets & Assets/Land Transfers (County Council) – The Council is asked to receive legal updates and agree any matters further. (Ten Tree Road in conjunction with the Council’s current assets).