Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Update

Unfortunately, in April, the Chair and Secretary of the Steering Group needed to take time off for personal reasons, but during this time the other members of the group carried on with the work. They checked the important green spaces in the village against the Neighbourhood Plan criteria as well as looking at the historic cottages that are not listed. Again there are criteria to check which ones can be protected in the Plan.

At the beginning of May we held a meeting to get back on track and discussed organising the long-awaited Village Meeting; we have had to cancel two previous meetings because of Covid so we are really hoping that this one will go ahead.

We have booked the village hall on Saturday 26th June and will have the results of the survey on display as well as the Landscape Appraisal and Design Codes. This will be the chance for all villagers to see this work and comment on it before our consultant begins to write the first draft of the Plan. 

In the meantime we are continuing to look at all our evidence and produce the final draft of our Evidence Base Summary ready for the Consultant.