The next stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process has been started by Babergh. There is now a six week consultation (ending on Friday 2nd June) when you can comment on the submission draft of the plan. This is the version of the plan that contains all the amendments made after the last consultation held in June last year.
The submission draft plan can be found here: Great Waldingfield Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version 23 February 2023
and the supporting documents here: neighbourhood-plan/supporting-documents/
Alternatively you can access all of this via the Babergh website:
Written comments only please and preferably using the response form on the Babergh website (see link above). These should be sent by e-mail to: / or by post to: ‘Gt Waldingfield NP Consultation’, c/o Spatial Planning Policy Team, Babergh District Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX … to arrive by no later than 4:00pm on Friday 2 June 2023.
Please note: All comments received will be forwarded on to the appointed Examiner. You should not assume that there will be a further opportunity to introduce new information, although the Examiner may seek clarity on certain matters.
Here is the official notice from Babergh: Gt_Waldingfield_NP_R16_Notice